Navigating your budding career path can seem daunting when your ideal destination seems far away. The great thing is, you don’t have to go it alone. Connecting with a mentor can help you to learn from their experiences and provide a new outlook at a point in life which we typically feel most hopeless. With these three tips, you can begin and maintain a valuable mentoring relationship that is mutually beneficial.
1. Know what you want.
What are you looking to achieve in your career? Do you have foreseeable end game? Try seeking a mentor with a path similar to yours. If you don’t know anyone in your desired position, try seeking a mentor that exhibits characteristics or skills that you seek to gain. For example, a woman who is personally intrigued in how career moms balance work and life could find an ideal mentor in a woman that has been able to climb the corporate ladder with children in tow. Understanding your goals will empower you to seek out someone that could impart the knowledge on you to reach them.
2. Make a plan.
Failure to plan is planning to fail. You will most likely be both busy people, and it’s easy to forget to regularly make contact when in the throes of everyday life. Making a plan for your mentorship relationship will definitely help set expectations and hold each other accountable. Do you have lunch once a month? Bi-weekly check in email? Place reminders on your favorite calendar or planner to help establish a schedule for regular contact.
3. Learn Together.
Learning is definitely not just for the mentee. Read a book. You and your mentor can benefit from diversity of thought regarding subjects beneficial to your growth. Not sure where to start on a book list? Check out this list of go-to books from leading women entrepreneurs. Consider attending professional events together and taking time to discuss the topics presented after the event or at a later date.
Overall, the key to having a successful relationship is having someone you can relate to. Once you have found an ideal partner, then you can plan activities to make the most of the limited time you have together. Whether it is someone that works in your company or an online acquaintance (LinkedIn Groups!), having someone who can impart their wisdom can calm your career fears and increase your confidence.