9 Tips That’ll Make You A Great Intern

You got through the mounds of resumes and somehow your interview polished it off. So now what? Here are a few mental notes that will make you a stellarly great intern.  Getcha butt to work on time and show up. If you’re late for whatever reason, let someone know immediately. And stay after to make […]

Dress for the Job You Have AND the Job You Want

“Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” Yea, no. This quote is stupid and faux-aspirational because it assumes that company atmosphere in regards to your work attire changes once you climb the ladder. Like the interns and entry-level schmucks wear jeans and the CEO comes in wearing suits. Chances are, if […]

#BrandMe: How to Brand Yourself in the Modern World

My friends often ask me how I, a twenty-four year old undergraduate student, stay so active in the job market. I have found that anyone can type a list of past work experiences and provide a list of references. The real question is what are you selling to job recruiters? In today’s job market, it is […]