The interview process is one of the most stressful things an adult can go through, even if they are extremely confident in their abilities. But once you’ve received that email or phone call inquiring about your skills in a phone screen, you’re in. You just need to convince them. And there is one way that will definitely put you on top.
Nope, it’s not just preparing for the interview. And it’s not because you asked all the right questions. Your flawless Linkedin page isn’t it either. It’s simpler than that.
When you leave your in-person interview, send the interviewer(s) a hand-written thank you note.
Because technology is so prevalent, written notes aren’t in like they used to be. It’s very convenient to send an email, and sometimes it is necessary to do so, but there is something about taking the time to write out your thoughts and appreciation that can go a long way.
And it’s really not that hard to do. Bring a blank or partially-written thank you card with you in a folder or notebook that won’t allow it to get crushed or disformed. When the interview is over, sit in your car or in a nearby space and write a sincere thank you. Don’t over do it by any means, but just write a few sentences to express your gratitude for the opportunity and your interest in the position. Then, get his or her name from their business card, website, or email signature and send it via the closest post office mailbox you can find. Google the location of the mailbox before the interview so you can drop it off immediately afterwards. Sit back and wait for your job blessings to flow.
If in the very rare occurrence that you don’t move forward in the interview process, try to remain positive. Your thank you note could keep you in a favorable light with the hiring manager and related staff. You never know.
Good luck! Let us know how it fares.