It’s December! Which means New Year’s resolutions time.
Confession: I don’t like these things.
They allow you to procrastinate. – “I don’t have to start eating healthy until January 1st! That means I have a whole month to eat an entire medium pizza for dinner every night.”
Then they make you rush. – “Oh shoot, it’s October and I haven’t accomplished anything on this resolutions list…lemme go buy some Lypozene right quick.”
I mean, really. If your NYr is “in 2015 I’m going to stop procrastinating,” isn’t it butt backwards to then wait (read: procrastinate) until January 1st to stop procrastinating? Think about it. Then when the colder seasons come and you realize that you’ve accomplished little to nothing on your list, you make haste to try to accomplish whatever little bit of a goal that you can and end up missing out on the actual journey that you have to take to achieve a goal.
Why do we have to wait until January 1, 201x to change our lives? What if we never see 2015…or any other year? Add “it makes you take life for granted” to my list of reasons why I don’t care to have an NYr list. In my opinion, it’s much more productive to say, “Starting TAH-DAY I will…” Give yourself a time limit if your must but don’t limit yourself to saving $1,000/losing weight/tithing more/learning French/etc. only once the new year starts. Start now. Be motivated enough to change your life now. Don’t forget that cliché quote: Today is the first day of the rest of your life. It’s true! Why would you wait until January 1st to try to make the rest of your life different? You know what you need and want to change. Get to it and stop acting like change revolves around a date on the calendar.
insert Everest College commercial man headshake