The latest Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture study, “The Bible in American Life“, revealed a lot about how the Good Book has been used and applied in people’s lives. The report is a lengthy read, so below are the most important and relevant takeaways about how blacks and women view the Bible:

  • “Black people read the Bible at a higher rate than people of other races.”
  • “70% of all blacks said they read the Bible outside of worship at least once in the last year, compared to 44% for whites, 46% for Hispanics, and 28% for all other races.”
  • Black Christians read the Bible to gain more insight on “personal relationships, wealth, and learning about the future.”
  • “54% of African Americans consult mass media” to understand the Bible.
  • “Women read the Bible more than men for reasons of personal prayer and devotion, as well as to make decisions about relationships with a spouse, parents, children, and friends.”
  • “Women constitute the greater portion of congregants and attendees.”

Though not incredibly surprising, it does provide solid evidence to what some probably viewed within their environment. Click here to read the study in its entirety.

Credits: Ryk Neethling

Published by Ashleigh

Ashleigh is a recent M.S. graduate from Northeastern University. She works as an interactive designer in Atlanta and loves dogs, Netflix, and great food. Oh, also the creator and designer of this here shindig you are reading right now. View my impersonal personal blog @

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