“You can enjoy anything if you make up your mind to.” -Joyce Meyer Nothing bothers me more than having to listen to people talk about being single as if it is some sort of leprosy. Well, arguing with McDonald’s employees about condiments bothers me more. But this unchose thing is a close second. An EXTREMELY […]
Tag Archives: relationships
The Bae Zone (The Relationship Twilight Zone)
Many men fear the friend zone. They view it is a place of no return. When a woman is comfortable enough to be scantily clad in their presence but not for their presence woolrich outlet and all hopes of possible carnal interaction evaporates. Men have identified this as their sworn enemy grounds, and have developed […]
What to Expect as His First Girlfriend
He’s charming, family-oriented, and great to be around. After a month or so of dating, the guy you’ve been seeing presents the opportunity of exclusivity. You nod in acceptance as he has been nothing but the perfect gentleman during your pre-courtship. Then, one day, you realize he’s never discussed any ex-girlfriends with you. Girls he’s […]